Hello Fellow Customers & Friends We’re back with some great news. First, we continue to expand the support to the Vulnerability Common Patch Format feature introduced earlier this year. Indeed, we have enlarging the scope of “vulnerable packages” to “Apache” dataset. The roadmap of vulnerability indicators has also grown with several new mappings requested by […]

MITRE’s Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK) is a curated knowledge base and model forcyber adversary behavior, reflecting the various phases of an adversary’s lifecycle and the platforms they are known to target. ATT&CK is useful for understanding security risk against known adversary behavior, for planning security improvements, and verifying defenses work as expected. […]

As notified in our last December 2020 Newsletter, we have introduced a new great feature “Vulnerability Common Patch Format – VCPF”. Basically, instead of reporting links to bulletins, we have extended our engines to enumerate “vulnerable packages” and “vulnerable versions” affected by vulnerabilities. For its first release, we have implemented the support to “Ubuntu” dataset.  Great […]

I’m excited to announce new updates & enhancements regarding the vFeed Vulnerability Intelligence Service. 2 major new addition for this release are the support of 5000+ exploits (mainly from Github) and the alignment with ATT&CK v7.2. We will continue focusing on adding and enhancing the quality of data to bring our customers the best vulnerability intelligence feed.