We are very happy to announce the immediate availability of the highly anticipated feature : The pre-generated vulnerability & threats JSON files.

Indeed, we have received many customers requests regarding the performance improvement when exporting data into JSON. In fact, the python API access to the SQLite database and all the queries done to retrieve the information make the cumulative response time deteriorate a bit.

Especially since we are obliged to maintain the distribution of the SQLite database, as we have clients rely on it. The SQLite is embedded in their appliance and other hardware vulnerability management and scanning solutions.

We have found the effective solution to make life easy for our users. Therefore, the JSON files are pre-generated and made available via a private Github Channel.

This optimal solution offers the following advantages:

  • No need to use the SQLite database and its API in python
  • JSON files organized per year
  • Easy to sync
  • Ready to use and consume within your solution

This new feature is reserved exclusively for the vFeed Professional Service.